March 2025

Harry Potter and The Cursed Child
Prepare to be spellbound! The magic of the wizarding world is descending upon the Hollywood Pantages Theatre on March 29th, 2025. The enchanting spectacle of [...]

Moulin Rouge - The Musical
Step into the world of decadence and romance! Turn back time to the turn-of-the-century Paris right here in Florida as we present an event that [...]

Back To The Future - Theatrical Production
Gear up for a phenomenal evening of theatrical brilliance! "Back To The Future - Theatrical Production" is all set to take the stage at the [...]

Cirque Du Soleil - Crystal
Step into a world of wonder and enchantment as Cirque Du Soleil - Crystal graces the stage at Acrisure Arena on Sunday, March 30th, 2025. [...]

Harry Potter and The Cursed Child
Are you ready to step into a world of magic and intrigue? Ready to encounter enchantment and suspense that will keep you on the edge [...]

Kimberly Akimbo
Brace yourselves, music aficionados and culture enthusiasts, for the indomitable Kimberly Akimbo is set to grace the iconic stage at the Fabulous Fox Theatre - [...]

Moulin Rouge - The Musical
Step into a world where Bohemian ideals of truth, beauty, freedom, and love come alive in a spectacle of color, drama, and music. Will you [...]